Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Some Facts about Full Sleeve Tattoos

Even men are quite interested in preferring these full sleeves tattoos with cool designs like the dragons and tribal designs. With the increasing popularity you might take several considerations into account before sitting in front of a tattoo artist.

The cost
Full sleeve tattoos are more costly as being longer in length they involve more effort and materials usage. If you are short of money then you can have a small tattoo stretched over your arms.
Starting from the shoulders down to the wrists are the full sleeve tattoos. These have centralized themes and are of latest trends in the tattoo industry. This can be a large sized tattoo or a series of small different designs designed randomly to cover a bigger part of the arm. Women love these kinds of tattoos specially the flowery or colorful ones or even the metallic tattoos. When done by a professional artist, they can actually add great beauty in a woman.

Tattoo size and placement
This is an important factor to consider before having tattoo designed on body. Even though full sleeve tattoos begin at the shoulders and end at the wrist still you can decide the length of it. Options like full arm, half sleeve or quarter sleeves are also available. The scale should also be considered with the overall look of the tattoo in mind. You can begin with few tattoos and if you find them suitable then you can piece them together making it a full sleeve tattoo.

The consequences
The truth is that some workplaces do not allow tattoos, which means if you have a full sleeve tattoo you might be restricted to wearing long sleeve shirts or blouses all through. Such a tattoo can also ruin your chances of getting a dream job so be very careful when getting it done. Consider all restrictions from your employer or potential future employer depending on the career path you want to take. Still under the consequences, think about how good you are going to feel about the sleeve tattoo several years down the line. Will you still be happy rocking that look when you are raising small children? Will your spouse approve of it? What are the costs of removing it?

The tattoo colors
The colorful tattoos pop up more than the black and grey. You don’t have any problem with the popping look of the colorful tattoos then you can go with those vibrant color tattoos as per your wish. If you have a heavy personality then your preferences should be black, grey or metallic tattoos.

Some Facts about Full Sleeve Tattoos

Even men are quite interested in preferring these full sleeves tattoos with cool designs like the dragons and tribal designs. With the increasing popularity you might take several considerations into account before sitting in front of a tattoo artist.

The cost
Full sleeve tattoos are more costly as being longer in length they involve more effort and materials usage. If you are short of money then you can have a small tattoo stretched over your arms.
Starting from the shoulders down to the wrists are the full sleeve tattoos. These have centralized themes and are of latest trends in the tattoo industry. This can be a large sized tattoo or a series of small different designs designed randomly to cover a bigger part of the arm. Women love these kinds of tattoos specially the flowery or colorful ones or even the metallic tattoos. When done by a professional artist, they can actually add great beauty in a woman.

Tattoo size and placement
This is an important factor to consider before having tattoo designed on body. Even though full sleeve tattoos begin at the shoulders and end at the wrist still you can decide the length of it. Options like full arm, half sleeve or quarter sleeves are also available. The scale should also be considered with the overall look of the tattoo in mind. You can begin with few tattoos and if you find them suitable then you can piece them together making it a full sleeve tattoo.

The consequences
The truth is that some workplaces do not allow tattoos, which means if you have a full sleeve tattoo you might be restricted to wearing long sleeve shirts or blouses all through. Such a tattoo can also ruin your chances of getting a dream job so be very careful when getting it done. Consider all restrictions from your employer or potential future employer depending on the career path you want to take. Still under the consequences, think about how good you are going to feel about the sleeve tattoo several years down the line. Will you still be happy rocking that look when you are raising small children? Will your spouse approve of it? What are the costs of removing it?

The tattoo colors
The colorful tattoos pop up more than the black and grey. You don’t have any problem with the popping look of the colorful tattoos then you can go with those vibrant color tattoos as per your wish. If you have a heavy personality then your preferences should be black, grey or metallic tattoos.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Metallic Tattoos define the Fashion now

It is a common fact that the traditional symbol marriage is the wedding band worn on the ring finger. Now with the evolution of jewelry tattoos you don’t need to wear the band to honor your spouse or vows. Whether a medical reason, your profession or your dislike for the feel of a ring holds you back from wearing such bands then you have these alternative suiting your personal taste and lifestyle. 

Tattoos in Gold

Isn’t it cool to have tattoos of gold, silver, platinum or any metallic tattoos done on your body? This is a new trend in the world of tattoos. There are chances that the skeptics may think it to be some kind of health hazard to inject metal into the body entering the blood stream. There are no tattoos including coloring with gold or other metals in classical sense.

A good tattoo artist rather uses color make metallic tattoos without using golden or silver ink if you want a design to have a metallic look. Still such colors are toxic for the body. These colors are not the material that you would like to have lodging inside your skin. The other kind of tattoos is the foil tattoos. These are not harmful as these are not injected into the surface of the skin. Rather they involve the application of gold or platinum foil to the skin surface with a latest technology.

Gold Tattoos

Rather than having jewelries on your body isn’t it cool to have metallic tattoos done in gold, silver, platinum or any other metals done on your body? A doubter will definitely think it to have some health hazard to inject metal into the skin where it could easily enter the blood stream. If considered in the classical sense of word no tattoos include coloring with gold or other metals. If you have a design of your choice that you want to look metallic, a talented artist can fulfill your wish using other colors rather than gold or silver ink. These tattoos are kind of something else not being injected into the surface of the skin. Rather gold or platinum foil applied to the surface of the skin with a new technique.